Glucose – arch enemy of the skin
Every time we bite into our beloved chocolate, we’re painfully aware that too much sugar is not good for our health. But only recently have scientific studies uncovered evidence for the fact that too much sugar and too many carbohydrates can accelerate the aging process in our skin. Glucose can attach itself to the amino groups of the body’s proteins and modify these, restricting their functions. If subjected to heat or oxidative stress, glucose can metamorphose. The result – highly active glycotoxins form, which in turn react with the amino groups of the proteins. When glycose or glycotoxins react in this manner, the process is called glycation. The affected proteins turn into so-called AGEs – advanced glycation end products.
Our metabolism is unable to cope with excessive glycose on a regular basis, and reacts primarily via our skin. This has a highly conspicuous impact on all layers of the skin: besides damaging collagen and elastin (the proteins responsible for our skin structure), which makes our skin sag and lose elasticity, our blood vessels become more porous, allowing substances from our blood to enter our tissue – resulting most prominently in dark rings or puffy eyes. Cells are also attacked and important detoxification systems are crippled. Skin reacts by looking stressed, sallow and fatigued. Skin detoxification systems on the surface of the skin are disrupted, so an excess of glycose can also lead to the formation of age spots.
The solution: a healthy diet + the right skin care products
Besides eating a healthy diet – fewer carbohydrates and less sugar – we also need the right skin care products with anti-oxidants and cell protection: Juvelia® Nutri-Restore.